Submission Instructions, DPASSH 2015

Submission Instructions

Submissions are invited from all sectors and perspectives (academics, researchers, students, industry, cultural heritage institutions, preservation infrastructures, etc.) for a variety of presentation formats that critically reflect on all areas relating to digital preservation in the humanities and social sciences, arts, and cultural heritage sectors.

Please see the Call for Papers for more details.

All papers will be peer reviewed

Types of Submissions

Long paper

      • Long papers should describe completed, substantial and/or previously unpublished research. This could include critical explorations or discussions which contribute to the conference theme on digital preservation in the arts, social sciences and humanities, or reports on significant technological developments, which should describe the impact on research methodologies and applications. Abstract length: 400-500 words.
      • Full papers of accepted submissions must be sent to the programme committee no later than 25th May 2015. The limit for the final version of long papers is 3000-5000 words.

Short Paper

      • Short papers should describe works in progress or research underway, or explore a single or isolated research area or question. Abstract length: 200-300 words.
      • Full papers of accepted submissions must be uploaded via this conferencing system by 25th May 2015. The limit for the final version of short papers is 1500-2000 words.


    • We are accepting poster submissions that explore works in progress, research projects, emerging research, and research and/or software demonstrations (e.g. of digital preservation solutions). Poster sessions are interactive and provide a unique opportunity for you to exchange ideas with conference attendees. One dedicated poster session will be held during the conference, however, posters will be displayed throughout the duration of the conference. Abstract length: 50-100 words.
    • PDFs of final posters must be uploaded via this conferencing system by 25th May 2015. Presenters are responsible for producing and bringing a printed poster (A0 size is standard) to the conference.


Abstracts for all submission types should be submitted via the online submission form, using the template provided.

  • Authors can submit more than one proposal
  • Abstracts should include proper citations and footnotes.
  • Full papers must be properly cited and referenced using the APA referencing and formatting guidelines. Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) provides excellent instructions on using this format.
  • Additional details about paper and poster formatting will be released on this website.

Terms and Conditions

Authors who submit their work to DPASSH agree to the following terms and conditions:

  • Authors confirm that all abstracts, papers, posters, etc., submitted are their own original works and have not been published elsewhere.
  • Authors retain copyright and any other intellectual property rights associated with their paper, presentation, poster but agree to DPASSH publishing final papers as part of conference proceedings under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
  • In subsequent publications of this work (e.g. revised version for a journal), authors should acknowledge initial presentation at DPASSH.